Jianmen Pass

Panda Tour > spot > Jianmen Pass

jianmen pass jianmen pass

Jianmenshudao tourism of Jianmen Pass scenic area is located in the northern part of Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province Jiange County, composed of Jianmen Pass, Cuiyun Gallery two adjacent national AAAA level scenic spots, the total planning area of 84 square kilometers, the core area of 6 square kilometers.Traffic is extremely convenient.

jianmen pass jianmen pass

Jianmenshudao Jianmen Pass tourism is one of the first national scenic area, the Sixth Batch of national key cultural relics protection units, national Forest Park, national natural and cultural heritage, the national classic red tourism scenic spots.

jianmen pass
shu dao
jianmen pass

Jianmenshudao has a long history, originated in the Western Zhou Dynasty, used to the Republic of China, people are still in use,is by far the ancient China traffic history opens first, use the longest, save the most complete artificial ancient post road,

jianmen pass
jianmen pass

Jianmen Pass is a symbol of the early Cretaceous conglomerate layers, is the most dangerous China conglomerate Danxia landform, is the wall type conglomerate cliff landscape of Danxia world rare, stretches more than two, in the broken sword, forming the vertical height of 300 meters, the bottom of the narrowest point only 50 meters of natural pass, called natural Tiancheng.

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