You can’t miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there’s no fairytale land other than it

Panda Tour > travel > You can’t miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there’s no fairytale land other than it

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

Saying goes:Returning from Jiuzhaigou you would not appreciate other water view any more.

In the alpine mountains at the eastern edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the source of the Baishuijiang River, complex geological structure and calcified waterscape shape the unique natural scenery of Jiuzhaigou Valley: colorful and elegant lakes, rushing streams, waterfalls, dense ancient forests, and majestic snow peaks. People who have come here say that this is a true fairy tale world, sacred and gorgeous, a natural wonder that cannot be missed in life.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

Jiuzhaigou Valley is very rich in animal and plant resources. Giant pandas, golden monkeys, white lipped deer, takins and other rare wild animals live here. Chinese medicinal materials such as cordyceps sinensis, snow lotus, snow tea, fritillaria cirrhosa, gastrodia elata and 74 kinds of rare plants under Chinese national protection grow here. It is a valuable forest and wetland ecosystem.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

Every spring, flowers bloom in the forest,  in summer, it is deep green and cool. In autumn, the leaves of trees become colorful like oil painting, while in winter, it turns to be a pure white world of ice and snow.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

There are four gullies in Jiuzhaigou Valley: Shuzheng Gully, Zechawa Gully, Rize Gully and Zharu Gully. Tourists usually go to three of them: Shuzheng Gully, Zechawa Gully and Rize Gully. Zharu Gully is late developed and has relatively few visitors, but it is a paradise for hikers.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

In the past, there were nine Tibetan villages in Jiuzhaigou Valley. Isolated from the rest of the world for thousands of years, living a self-sufficient farming and pastoral life, Jiuzhaigou Valley formed its unique Tibetan culture. Here, not only can you see the sacred mountains and lakes that the Tibetan people respect, but also traditional Tibetan villages, Bon temples built in the Ming Dynasty, and pagodas and prayer flags.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a world natural heritage, a national key scenic spot, a national AAAAA tourist attraction, a national nature reserve, a national geological park, and a network of world biosphere reserves. It is also the first nature reserve in China with the main purpose of protecting natural scenery.

You can’t miss it.

If you want to travel to fairy tale land Jiuzhaigou, and learn deep experience of it, please contact us, we promise you the best tour service & variety of exploring choices.

You can't miss view of Jiuzhaigou in your life, for there's no fairytale land other than it

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